
Darkest dungeon when to start crimson court
Darkest dungeon when to start crimson court

darkest dungeon when to start crimson court

That should have been obvious - usually, nothing pleasant comes out of a cocoon throbbing in a vampire courtyard. If you activate the cocoon without an item, a group of mosquito enemies will pour out. Throw a torch in there to burn the eggs and regain some stress. Activating normally without an item has a small chance of providing a trinket, but most of the time will just deal damage. Using blood summons mosquito and vampire enemies to fight, which isn't very helpful (apparently, you are resurrecting the dead vampire with blood). Give this mysterious blood drinker some (what else?) blood in exchange for treasure – and it's usually a pretty good treasure, netting Crests for upgrades and some food. Throwing in a torch gives a small amount of stress. Pouring holy water into the Damned Fountain gives one hero a big reduction in current stress while activating without an item causes bleed. Digging up the bloodflowers with a shovel results in random treasure. Using holy water causes the flowers to wither and gives you some extra stress. Using blood causes nothing bad to happen, but doesn't seem to give a positive effect, either. You can't pass without removing the curio, so if you didn't bring any extra shovels, everyone in the party will take damage and acquire stress for having to break it down by hand. This is the Courtyard version of the wall of bones that must be removed with a shovel or cause damage. We previously covered every last curio in the base game extensively, but several new ones have arrived with "The Crimson Court", along with a host of extra achievements to unlock. Turns out that besides hiring brigands to kill the townsfolk, turning the forest into a place of twisted magic, bringing pig flesh to demonic life, summoning zombies, and communing with Cthulhu fish creatures - he also had the time to attend lavish vampire galas!

Darkest dungeon when to start crimson court